Спутниковый мониторинг окружающей среды, ДВО РАН Спутниковый мониторинг окружающей среды, ДВО РАН
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Center for Satellite Monitoring

The Center for Regional Satellite Monitoring of Environment was created on the base of Satellite Monitoring Laboratory of IACP FEB RUS at 1999. The purpose of the Center is to receive, process, deliver and acquire of satellite data for research and economic applications. The Center and its data sets have been registered in Global Change Master Directory (NASA subdivision) and has status of the Regional Center of Russian Academy of Sciences. At the present time the Center carries out receiving and processing two types of high resolution satellite data: data of the polar-orbiting satellites (NOAA, FY-1D) for sea surface observation and the data of geo-stationary meteorological satellite (MTSAT-1R) for atmosphere monitoring. The Center has facilities to make data reception of geo-stationary satellite FY-2C. Joint processing of various satellite data allows get more complete information in time and space about sea surface and atmosphere phenomena.
Землетрясение в Японии  16.03.2011
Лаборатория Спутникового Мониторинга 
Взгляд на происходящее геологов  ДВГИ ДВО РАН  http://institute.fegi.ru/

ИТЦ "СканЭкс": Землетрясение в Японии: получены детальные спутниковые снимки.
Оперативная информация на  http://ocean.kosmosnimki.ru/   в папке Японское море.


Posted by: admin

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EOSFES  29.01.2008
Прием и обработка спутниковых снимков19/01/2008 new antenna system EOSFES was set

Posted by: admin

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Ecological monitoring of Peter the Great bay  13.10.2006
Прием и обработка спутниковых снимков

According to the satellite of new generation AQUA (radiometer MODIS) trial work on ecological monitoring Peter the Great bay is lead 22.08.2006. Monitoring was spent on the basis of  turbidity parameters of coastal waters  and  chlorophyll-a concentration which characterizes both phytoplankton concentration, and anthropogenous character of water pollution.



  chlorophyll-a  concentration                turbidity parameters of coastal waters 


Posted by: admin

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AQUA/MODIS - test of data receiving  30.01.2006
Прием и обработка спутниковых снимков

aqua/modis -юго-восток о.Хоккайдо

The first test of AQUA/MODIS data receiving has been taken place on 24 January 2006. 

This is the south-east part of Hokkaido. 

The regular and equal squares are saw well on the fragment of AQUA/MODIS image.

Posted by: admin

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Regional Satellite Monitoring of Environment  27.04.2004
Прием и обработка спутниковых снимков

    Regional satellite monitoring of environment (RSM) is based on regular acquisition and real-time processing of digital multi-channel satellite information.

    • Approach to monitoring

      Main directions of the Satellite Centre operation:
      - ocean and atmosphere phenomenon research;
      - satellite information support of scientific researches and fishery;
      - natural disaster monitoring (typhoons, forest fires, etc.).

    • Operation of satellite and sensors

      The basic sources of high resolution information are NOAA and FY-1D polar orbiting satellites and geostationary FY-2C satellite for our region.

    • Supply and distribution of products

      There are three kinds of information we produce now:
      - look-up data (catalogue of satellite sessions; observation images in any graphical format; detailed observation images of infrared data);
      - basic production (calibrated single-channel Mercator projected images; momentary (single-session) sea surface temperature images; thermal sea surface structure charts (SSTS) statistical significant thermal contrast orientations);
      - thematic information processed for concrete users (temperature charts of different scales and time averaging; sea surface velocity estimations; composed SSTS charts; products of sea surface synoptic analyses; forest fires charts, typhoon parameter estimations).

      Data request of a user is realised with INTERNET facilities. E-mail, INTERNET, INTRANET and INMARSAT may be used for data delivery.

    • Arrangement of in situ data

      In situ data are used for verification of different charts created on the base of satellite information. Verification procedure is used for calibration of algorithms for satellite data processing.

    • Approach to research and development

      Main directions of Satellite Centre development are increasing of data sources and creation new algorithms for data processing.

Posted by: marina

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date: 2024-10-25 04:39:00

MODIS Ariake
date: 2024-10-23 18:32:00

MODIS Shandong Peninsula
date: 2024-10-23 18:32:00

MODIS South Sea
date: 2024-10-23 18:32:00

MODIS Toyama Bay
date: 2024-10-23 16:55:00

date: 2024-04-30 01:09:00


Data of TERRA

of local time.
Scene include
Vladivostok town

refreshed 05.03.21 15:18

Data of AQUA

of local time.
Scene include
Vladivostok town

refreshed 05.03.21 16:18

Data of NOAA satellite

28.11.2012 10:46

нет файла данных

refreshed 28.11.12 14:12

Japan Sea


refreshed 19.09.23 09:05

North of Japan Sea


нет файла данных

refreshed 27.11.12 13:25



refreshed 19.09.23 09:05

Sea of Okhotsk


refreshed 19.09.23 09:05

North-West of Pacific Ocean


refreshed 19.09.23 09:05

При поддержке РФФИ, грант № 04-07-90350. Центр Спутникового Мониторинга ИАПУ ДВО РАН
Under support of RFBR, grant № 04-07-90350. Center of Satellite Monitoring IACP FEB RAS